Period Food: Escape Drink (Mocktail or Cocktail)

Period Food: Escape Drink (Mocktail or Cocktail)

I don’t know about anyone else, but I would love to be sitting on a tropical sandy beach soaking up some sunshine right about now. Going with the June Lady Box theme of Escape, I brought out an old favorite beverage recipe that has a tropical feel and can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own backyard… maybe on a beach towel with a good audiobook. 

Key Lime Tai drink on a wooden deck floor with a duck floatie, lime, and bottle of rum laying next to the drink.

I’ve seen a lot of funny videos online lately about “Taking a vacation in your mind” and that’s what I was thinking of when I made this drink. 

The Deets:

½ Can of Plain Sparkling Water

1 Tbsp Key Lime Juice

2 Tbsp Canned Coconut Milk (full fat is my favorite)

¼ Tsp (or 1 cap-full) of Pure Vanilla Extract

1 packet of Stevia (or a sweetener of your choice) 

Combine ingredients in a glass with ice and give it a stir. I really enjoy putting a cinnamon and sugar “rim” on the glass to make it extra fancy, and of course garnish with a lime wedge and any (or all) cocktail accessories- Mini umbrella, flamingo… whatever helps with the illusion that you are enjoying this beverage in your dream travel location. 

With the low sugar content of this drink, it is friendly for a lot of different diets. I came up with this recipe when I was eating Paleo and wanting something tropical.

This drink is delicious as-is, but it also is a great base for your favorite cocktail. We did some taste testing over at Lady Box and Rum and Bourbon were the biggest hits. 

I hope all of you are finding a way to feel some Escape during these uncertain times. This beverage is a great way to re-hydrate after a day in the hot sun marching for what you believe in. 

As always, we would love to see if you try this recipe at home. Tag us on Instagram @JoinLadyBox and the hashtag #LadyBoxPeriodFood 

Cheers, and Happy Menstruating! 

xx Bittina

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