Check out your tarot horoscopes for September 2021!
Aries (3/21-4/20) - Ace of Cups - Sometimes love sneaks up on us fabulous Aries. You might find yourself with a rude awakening once you let your defenses down. Take the offer Aries. It will be an adventure!

Taurus (4/21-5/20) - Two of Pentacles - A new opportunity has come in lovely Taurus and you are weighing the pros and cons of it. Don’t stay too up in your head about this offer. It’s gonna grow into long term stability.

Gemini (5/21-6/20) - King of Pentacles - You’re not aware of this yet thoughtful Gemini, but someone has their eye on YOU! I know you’re out there being a total boss with everything, and it’s calling in a STRONG candidate for a deep soulful connection.

Cancer (6/21-7/22) - Four of Cups (R) - A specific offer is coming in gentle Cancer, and you are NOT amused. You’ll find yourself ignoring it because it doesn’t meet your well deserved standards. Don’t compromise your standards, you are the BOSS of your own life!

Leo (7/23-8/22) - Four of Swords (R) - Get ready brilliant Leo! It’s time to let the abundance in that you deserve! It’s the chance to have happily ever after while keeping your independence! Who can ask for anything more?

Virgo (8/23-9/22) - Six of Wands - Don’t let others bring you down kind Virgo! They’re just jealous of you as you take center stage and shine your light! This is YOUR season by the way! Soak it up! You deserve it!

Libra (9/23-10/22) - Six of Pentacles - Hell YES Libra - you’re getting a BIG FAT financial gift. It’s coming in fast and hot and it will solve a LOT of mental anguish. Get ready to catch this fast ball cause it’s aimed right at you!

Scorpio (10/23-11/22) - The Wheel - Fate is intervening my fierce Scorpio and bringing you in the offer you have been waiting for. It’s going to be bringing in the balance you need in your life. Make a wish, because it’s about to come true!

Sagittarius (11/23-12/22) - Ace of Wands - You’re in a beautiful place Sagittarius to embrace this passionate new beginning. It’ll take a leap of faith because a lot of the details are set in stone. Trust me, they will work out beautifully to reveal everything you’ve ever wanted!

Capricorn (12/23-1/19) - Strength - Hold yourself accountable steadfast Capricorn as you look towards the future with logic. Don’t give into fanciful wishful thinking that might derail you from what it is that you truly want!

Aquarius (1/20-2/19) - The Fool - Reconnect with your divine self Aquarius, especially as you start a new cycle! Listen to your gut. You’ve been here before and have learned many lessons. Still carry some excitement and be prepared to take that leap!

Pisces (2/20-3/20) - Nine of cups - Rejoice my gentle Pisces! You are getting everything you want! You’ll be skeptical at first, unsure whether or not to trust it. It will unravel itself to bring you nothing but the happiness you deserve!